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On this page you will find news and information from Mid Sweden University, collected under the tag EVENTS. This page is created based on the tag you clicked to get here.

There are 6 English pages and 10 Swedish pages that are tagged with EVENTS. The content may vary depending on language.

Digitalisering av Industri och Miljö

Den 17 april arrangerar Mittuniversitetet och Bron Innovation en konferens på temat digitalisering av industri och miljö. Dagens huvudtalare digitaliseringsminister Peter Eriksson!

Academic Ceremony

At Mid Sweden University, the next Academic ceremony will take place on 4 October, 2024 in Sundsvall. On this occasion, there is a conferment ceremony for new doctors and honorary doctors, an...

Science & Innovation Day

Science & Innovation Day offers you a meeting place where you get the latest research results, listen to renowned keynote speakers and get a chance to make valuable contacts for your future.

The page was updated 10/2/2019